La Generalitat de Catalunya ha anunciado que cerca de 5.000 entidades, empresas y particulares de Lleida han sido beneficiarios de fondos del programa Next Generation por un total de 287 millones de euros. Así pues, nos sentimos honrados de haber recibido a la consellera d’Economia i Hisenda, Natàlia Mas Guix, quien compartió estos datos durante su visita a Alier en nuestras instalaciones de la fábrica en Rosselló – Lleida.

The Minister of Economy, Natàlia Mas Guix, visits the Alier factory in Rosselló, Lleida.

Author/Alier — 7 June 2024 news

The Generalitat of Catalonia has announced that nearly 5,000 entities, companies, and individuals in Lleida have received funds from the Next Generation program, totaling 287 million euros. We are honored to have welcomed the Minister of Economy and Finance, Natàlia Mas Guix, who shared this information during her visit to Alier at our factory in Rosselló, Lleida.

Distribution of Next Generation Funds in Lleida

The distribution of these resources has been diverse and inclusive, significantly impacting various sectors of the community. Among the main recipients are:

  • 1,192 companies
  • 87 local corporations
  • 43 non-profit organizations
  • 16 research centers

It is noteworthy that 98% of the companies receiving funds are SMEs, highlighting the support for small and medium-sized local businesses, which are vital to the regional economy.

Visit of Natàlia Mas Guix to Our Industrial Facilities

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Natàlia Mas Guix, shared this information during a visit to Alier, which to date has received 17.6 million euros from the Next Generation funds to invest in sustainability and the circular economy. Additionally, in collaboration with Engie, over 6 million euros have been secured to build the largest biomass plant in the country dedicated to the self-consumption of thermal energy in the production process of a factory.

Mas Guix detailed that all this information is available in the interactive viewer provided by the Department of Economy and Finance, which is accessible to the public to offer updated data on the real impact of the Next Generation funds in Catalonia. This new tool, which will be regularly updated, allows users to consult the distribution of these resources throughout the region. It provides detailed information on calls for proposals, tenders, and direct grants made by both the Generalitat and the Spanish government.

Minister Natàlia Mas Guix highlighted that “Alier is a benchmark company that combines legacy and innovation, adapting to the times since its founding in 1832, with a strong commitment to internationalization. The EU-funded project to build a large biomass plant for self-consumption, which will be the largest in the country, is an example of bold decision-making. We always say that economic growth can no longer be separated from innovation and sustainability, and here we find a great example.”

She also emphasized, “From the Generalitat, we will continue working to support projects like Alier’s, ensuring that the Next Generation funds drive a greener, more digital economy with a brighter future.”

news 7 June 2024
7 June 2024
The acquisition of Next Generation funds by nearly 5,000 entities in Lleida is an indicator of the region’s dynamism and adaptability. With significant investments in sustainability and the circular economy, along with support for SMEs and local entities, Lleida is establishing itself as an economic engine and a model of sustainable development. The transparency and accessibility of information through the new interactive tool provided by the Department of Economy and Finance ensure that all citizens can closely monitor the progress and impact of these investments in their community.

Similarly, at Alier, we are committed to maintaining transparency with our community and communicating the advancements and achievements we are making. It has been a pleasure and an honor to receive the visit of Minister Natàlia Mas Guix at our facilities. This recognition and support for our projects inspire us to continue working on the path of sustainability and innovation outlined in our Sustainability Master Plan.