
and revaluation

Plastic is not a bad material as it exhibits properties that are highly appreciated in the industrial sector as a result of its malleability and durability. Problems arise when the plastic has a short service life and is not recycled.

Motivated by our commitment to the environment and to sustainable economical development, in 2019 we embarked on a plastic recovery, recycling, and revaluation project with the goal of achieving zero waste.


As a result, we have reused more than 30,000 tonnes of waste, reducing the volume of discharges in the subsoil and the volume of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere.


We are committed
to circular economy

We are committed
to circular economy

Our objective is that the plastic waste generated in the recycled paper pulping process in our paper mill is processed to obtain a high-purity granular material, thereby giving it a new life.


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