The overall objective of this innovation project is to develop a new process to separate polyethylene from aluminum and other contaminants that make up the tetra brik waste after pulping so that it can be processed by conventional recycling methods. In this way, the highest possible purity of each of them will be achieved, which will allow their subsequent valorization. The environmental problems that currently affect the company, pushes it to want to valorize 100% of this material that is increasingly consumed in greater quantities in our society. Therefore, this R+D+i project aims to provide a solution for society, achieving the circular economy of this widespread packaging.
Thanks to the R&D project that was carried out, another project (VALORBRIK) was developed to increase the treatment capacity of beverage carton briks in ALIER, through an efficient and innovative process that allows to valorize its components and generate products with great added value such as paper and a PolyAl pellet (plastic with aluminum). The proposed actions will introduce a new production line capable of treating pulper waste and efficiently separating the different materials. The new plant will make it possible to obtain 15,000 tons/year of PolyAl pellets that can be used in new sustainable materials and products.
As a continuation of the 2 projects mentioned above, the POLYAL project is born with the objective of developing new sustainable materials and products from the PolyAl pellets that will be obtained in ALIER’s new industrial plant for the recycling of briks. The project will focus on the transformation processes of PolyAl pellets such as pressure molding, extrusion, injection, etc. to be used in different applications. Additionally, it will study the conditioning or preparation processes of the material that may be necessary for those cases in which the PolyAl pellets cannot be used directly in the transformation process.
As a result of the large investments made by ALIER to increase its brik container treatment capacity, it has been necessary to hire personnel for the correct operation of the new treatment and recovery line for ALIER’s brik beverage cartons.
The new production line will mean a great hiring impulse in ALIER, which is associated with the creation of 35 jobs in positions of: control of the solid fraction treatment lines, control of the pulper and pulp purification, maintenance, administration, laboratory and quality personnel, plant operators, etc.
The creation of these new jobs will represent a 14% increase in the company’s current workforce, making a strong contribution to the social and economic growth of the area.
SDGS: 9, 12
Execution period: July 2021 to December 2023
Budget: 151,005 €.
Grant: subsidy of 38,876 €.
File no: ACE031/21/000028
Government Call: Industrial research and experimental development nuclei in Circular Economy projects, specifically in the field of waste, call 2021.
Organization: ACCIÓ